Explor Games Portes de Verdun

by Atelier Nature



Via 4 routes, discover life behind the front lines of the First World War:1916. North-eastern France. The Great War has reached its climax.On the Verdun front, the horror of the fighting is matched only by the madness of the men.But behind the front lines, just a few miles from this ongoing conflict, life is organized. French villagers, prisoners of war and German garrisons rub shoulders and try to survive.You are a group of journalists infiltrated in the region to investigate this life in contact with the front. You decide to use your missions to help, as much as possible, the French troops engaged in the battle.Go on an adventure, meet the various protagonists of this dark period. Spy on the enemy, facilitate an escape, impart information and overcome challenges.The time has come to make a contribution to the edifice of history.